Our banking feature, contained within the larger ConnectRN application.

Engineering was consulted regarding the best integration approaches.

As part of an on-site, I led an ideation session with other product and payroll staff.

The core screens are familiar to anyone who has used a similar banking application.

Bold notifications to underscore the importance of signing up.

The initial sign-up form was pretty long, so...

the "digital vs physical" choice and its explainers were cut.

A preview makes each step of the flow clear...

And then each step is repeated to reassure the user that they're advancing correctly.

A "milestone payment" celebrates a clinician's time with ConnectRN.

The complete payroll flow accounts both for older pay methods and the new addition of Unit.

The payroll wizard produces a spreadsheet of clinician payments...

which are then disbursed by a new page linked to the Unit API.

Final design pass, using fresh design system components.

Final design for the payment card